Sunday, October 11, 2009
Just a short encouragement , students from class 2E , 2009 . Please , please , never to give up okay ? I believe everyone can pass their exams well , provided if you mug hard . But yeah , jiayou ^^
posted on 2:18 AM
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Hey guys, Back to blog again. Since no one is blogging. Sigh.Erm... Well happy holidays to you guys.Plus, Huilin's birthday is coming i guess she's going out with idk who.But i guess she's welcome people to join in with her. Feel free to contact her ;x09 sep remember to give a present :D
posted on 12:00 AM
Monday, August 31, 2009
★Hey guys :D
Its me TanXinHui blogging again.
LOL, Blog gonna die after i'm not using th com again -.-
No one is updating anything on our class blog eh? Zz..
Anyw, Ytd was fun. ACES DAY :D
Even we didn't win but it was a good memories too :)
Th most next year we need to work harder.
Luckily today don't need to go school :D
I hope everyone enjoy too~~~
BYEEEEEEEEEE :D See ya tmmmmr :D
posted on 10:31 PM
Friday, August 28, 2009
♥`All the best to our class.
Walk to the path of winning.
Hey guys! Sorry for not posting & Letting th blog die ;x
Currently busy for tons of stuff.
Our class dance for today.
And previously our CME project.
Today everything was okay everyone was having fun. I guess?
Jarren & Co was called by Mr. Seah for spotcheck idk why? :o
After school Brendan & Co stayed back with girls :D
Practicing dance & Hengyee & Co plus Edmund & Co watching.
HuiLin left half-way for competition! All th best to her :D
I fall cos i thought Rabiya whacking me for video-ing her & Roda.
& lots of quarrels between RODA, EDMUND & ETC.
I went about 3pm odd. Rest idk, Waited at th busstop saw XiaoHui.
Quite fun today but girls are too shy to dance in front those guys.
posted on 7:55 AM
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Work hard was th word we're trying;
Aiming high was what we're doing;
What we are do is, what we try.
Today PE was tortured by Mr. Kong he still dare to say he didn't.
He made us run 3 rounds as a class without a gap & push up position for 1 minute.
Lots of things happen :D Our class today some guys & girls stayed back for training.
Training for ACES DAY DANCE :) But Andre spend alot of time to not shy & dance.
4pm odd when th girls left then th guys still stayed back.
Hope our ACES DAY DANCE can work out perfectly as how our CME PROJECT goes.
Anyw, 19 August due date for th CME PROJECT DD:
posted on 6:16 AM